Saturday, July 3, 2010

New Blogs!!

I have started two new blogs - one for the kids, and one that is a deeper look at my life as a mom, wife, daughter, sister and friend... enjoy!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Things we have been up to lately...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Elie's 7th Birthday

Elie being woken up with her birthday doughnut & song
Her birthday haircut

Slumber party!

Daddy's creative surprise cake!!

Elie's request for Olive Garden dinner - we did it homemade style
I can't believe my girl turned 7 this year!!! She is sweet, smart, responsible, funny and a total gift to her Daddy and I - and her two brothers. Happy Birthday sweet girl!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry)

We spent the morning with our friends playing in the Children's room of OMSI - it was a blast!

Jadon and his buddy building towers and "parking"The water works

Hunting for bears in a cave

Learning to track

What kid doesn't enjoy sand? Especially a whole room full?!!

The impression swine flu has left on Jadon...

"Daddy, I NEED a mask so I don't get infected! Help me tape this on?"
"I need to check Simmea, where are my gloves? Oh! I can use these!"(the baggies we use to pick up doggie poop)
Simmea, though not entirely sure about it, sat very still and was a very good patient:o).

Halloween with Cousins!

I'm a little behind in posting on my blog... but here is a glimps of our Halloween!

Our little Storm Trooper
Our little Belle

Lots of candy & treasures with Aunt Lisa and cousins
After supper with Grandpa Larry and his new wife, (of a year) Ruth, Uncle Bryce took the kiddos trick-or-treating while the mom's & Joshua stayed behind to pass out candy. The cousins had a lot of fun and I think the favorite part was sorting through all the candy and treasures at home... and of course eating some! :o)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hmmm... Life in the Paulson household this October... getting adjusted to a newborn's schedule, teacher/parent conferences, lots of time with cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncles, homework, apples, pumpkins, roasts and soups... a birthday and life as usual!

Here are some random shots of life lately.

Special Nonie time. Nonie is able to come by nearly once a week.

Aunt Candy turned 26!

Joshua is more wide-eyed these days:o)

And figuring out who important people are

Carving pumpkins, of course!

Sibling cuddles

Hay rides

We got to visit 2 pumpkin patches this year!

Fun in the hay...

Grandpa and Aunt Ali join the pumpkin carving fun.

I think Aunt Candy is imprinting her "favorite Aunt" status early...

Chicken fun with cousins

Joshua getting in on the outdoor fun, even if nestled in a sling

First attempt at an impromptu informally formal cousin posed picture!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

20 Second Single Serving Guacamole

1/2 avocado
1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp lemon or lime juice

Scoop avocado out of skin, add rest of ingredients & mash with fork or puree in a baby food maker. Adjust garlic, salt and juice according to personal taste.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Never say Never

Never in a million years would I have thought that one day I would be standing in the middle of a pumpkin patch nursing!! But with no bottle, no quick or easy escape & my infant's hunger quickly turning to panic... here I am.
Here's a shout out to my ancient female relatives! (This NEVER would have taken place with my first baby...)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Forgotten things...

Since having a baby somethings have been forgotten, and some forgotten things have been remembered...

1. What a full nights' sleep feels like
2. How sweet a newborn smells
3. Precious coos and squeaks!
4. The pot of water boiling on the stove... lunch... oh well, try again at dinner.
5. What it feels like to leak, profusely
6. A doughnut... to sit on!
7. How insanely good a shower feels
8. The older sibling in the bath tub, who has to ask if he can get out because he's all wrinkly... oops!
9. Carrying a baby in one hand all nestled up under your chin
10. The first belly giggles from a sleeping newborn
11. Diapers that don't contain as much as their advertisement wants you to believe they do
12. Mount Laundry
13. Irrational fears involving the baby being lost under the pillow (usually at 2am)
14. How big baby equipment is
15. The race to get out the door with clean clothes on, diaper bag, baby fed and baby + other children safely in tow... and hair brushed? Is that really a requirement?? Did I get that done?
16. How good it feels to get a baby burp
17. Counting poopy diapers vs. wet ones
18. The pain of needing to feed a baby who isn't hungry, but really should be!
19. How sweet they are asleep
20. The deep, deep awe at this little life in your arms - such a perfect miracle!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Joshua's Bathtime - A Family Affair

Everyone had a job... hold his passy, keep his legs covered, wash his neck, tell him everything is okay... it was a complete success! :o)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Our first outing as a family of four

We went to the Saturday Market, shared a huge tamale for lunch, enjoyed shaved ice and let the kids play in the fountain. Joshua did fantastic too:o) - slept the whole time. It felt so good to be out of the house and in the sun.